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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-5 9:17:50  點擊:3155
瀝青是一種棕黑色有機膠凝狀物質瀝青罐瀝青煙和粉塵瀝青罐可經呼吸道和污染皮膚而引起中毒,發生皮炎、視力模糊、眼結膜炎、胸悶、腹病、心悸、頭痛等癥狀。經科學試驗證明,瀝青和瀝青煙中所含的3,4苯并芘是引起皮膚癌、肺癌、胃癌和食道癌的主要原因之一。 但是現在能夠接觸瀝青工作的行業,對瀝青的防護都應該是按照相關的*標準執行的,一般都會將其對人的傷害降到安全范圍內,不知道你是做什么工作的,對瀝青的接觸程度,所以,你*在計劃懷孕前先去檢查一下,以確保孩子的健康。瀝青罐特點是:加熱快、節能、生產量大、用多少出多少不浪費、不老化、操作方便,全部附件都在罐體上、移動、吊裝、維修特別方便,固定式非常方便,本產品加熱160度的熱瀝青一般不會超過30分鐘青及其煙氣對皮膚粘膜具有刺激性,有光毒作用和致腫瘤清除:如果不小心染上瀝青試試用氫氧化鈉清洗..雖然有毒,但是也不用太擔心,一般都不會遇到,粘到皮膚,輕輕除去就可以了,也不會同一種級配的瀝青料表面構造深度大,一般是空隙率大;但如果級配不同就不能直接比較了,SMA的表面構造深度比AC料大,但是空隙率還是相對于AC料更小的影響混合料高溫穩定性因素:混合料的類型、級配,瀝青的性質、用量,集料的粒徑、形狀、級配、粗集料含量,礦粉的含量、潔凈程度,施工條件,氣候,荷載增強措施:適當減少瀝青用量,選取粘度大、勁度高、粘附性好的瀝青,采用合適的集料級配,選取破碎堅硬粗糙的集料更有利于提高混合料的高溫穩定性能,礦粉要求潔凈,用量宜適宜,施工適當增加壓實功,減小混合料空隙率等(中譯英)Asphalt is a brownish black organic gelatinous material, asphalt smoke and dust via the respiratory tract and skin pollution caused by poisoning, dermatitis occurs, blurred vision, eye conjunctivitis, tightness in the chest, abdominal disease, palpitation, headache and other symptoms. The scientific test proof, bitumen and asphalt smoke contained 3,4benzopyrene is caused by skin cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer and esophageal cancer is one of the main reasons. But now able to contact the asphalt working industry, to the asphalt protection should be in accordance with the relevant national standards, the general will be harmful to the safety range, do not know what kind of work do you do, on asphalt degree of contact, so you'd better in planning a pregnancy, before you check, to ensure the health of children. Asphalt tank features are: fast heating, energy-saving, large production capacity, how much waste not, not aging, convenient operation, all the accessories are in the tank, moving, lifting, convenient repair, fixed type is very convenient, this product is heated at 160 degrees heat asphalt generally does not exceed30 minutes green and flue gas on skin and mucous membrane irritation, toxicity and light induced tumor removal: if not careful with asphalt try sodium hydroxide cleaning .. although toxic, but also do not worry too much, are not normally encountered, adhering to the skin, gently remove it, nor the same kinds of gradation asphalt surface structure deep, the general is a large void ratio; but if the gradation of different cannot be directly compared, SMA surface structure depth than AC material, but the void ratio and relative to AC material less impact mixture high temperature stability factors: the type of mixture, gradation, asphalt nature, dosage, aggregate size, shape, gradation, coarse aggregate content, mineral content, clean degree, construction conditions, climate, load enhancement measures: appropriate reduction of asphalt content selection, viscosity, stiffness, good adhesion of Asphalt, using appropriate aggregate gradation, selection of crushing hard rough aggregate is more conducive to improving the mixture high temperature stability performance, slag require clean, should use suitable, appropriate to increase compaction work construction, reduce the porosity of mixture.(圖/文