如果汽油罐里有異味怎么辦 |
發布者:admin 發布時間:2012-7-3 13:44:45 點擊:2671 |
如果沒有,就放在里面,等油發完再收拾。汽油罐在人孔處用大量水沖洗罐底,然后灌水滿置換有害氣體,罐內徹底干燥后,通風置換有害氣體,有條件的話,檢測有害氣體含量達標后,方可進行有關工作。在人孔處用大量水沖洗罐底,然后灌水滿置換有害氣體,罐內徹底干燥后,通風置換有害氣體,有條件的話,檢測有害氣體含量達標后,方可進行有關工作。在人孔處用大量水沖洗罐底,然后灌水滿置換有害氣體,罐內徹底干燥后,通風置換有害氣體,有條件的話,檢測有害氣體含量達標后,方可進行有關工作。為了防止泄漏的汽油爆燃,救援人員分兩組展開搶險。一組救援人員深入周圍居民家中,轉移群眾并切斷周圍電源,*限度減少油層與明火的接觸,防止爆燃的發生。另一組救援人員深入積水達1米多深的油罐區,小心翼翼地把繩索套到罐體上,慢慢將油罐拉正位置,阻止汽油繼續泄漏。經過4個多小時的緊急救援,民警在周圍群眾的協助下,利用水的浮力,終于將罐體拉正。油罐的泄油口由下向上翻轉,油罐恢復原狀,漏油情況得到控制,險情被成功排除。如果只是泥沙進去了,沒有多大影響的,如果你還有別的罐,可以把油倒出去,把罐清一下就可以了。(圖/文http://m.lcxyljtrmyy.com/)(中譯英) In order to prevent leakage of gas deflagration, rescue personnel were divided into two groups to launch rescue. A rescue team into the surrounding residents of the home, the transfer of mass and cut off the peripheral power supply, minimizing the formation and fire exposure, to prevent the occurrence of knocking. Another group of rescue workers deep water up to 1 meters deep in oil tank area with great care, the rope to the tank, the tank slowly pull position, prevent gas leak. After more than 4 hours of emergency rescue, police in the surrounding masses assistance, using water buoyancy, finally the tank pull. Tank drain tank from bottom to top flip, restitution, leak control, the danger was successfully excluded. If only the sediment in, without much effect, if you have any other tank, the oil poured out, can clear about it. If not, put inside, such as oil and then finished pack. The manhole is flush with plenty of water tank bottom, then irrigation full replacement of harmful gases, the tank completely dry, ventilated by displacement of harmful gases, conditional word, detecting the harmful gas content of the standards, can be related to work. |
上一頁:怎樣防止汽油爆炸和急救措施 下一頁:汽油罐和柴油罐有什么區別 |