柴油罐里的柴油提煉技術 |
發布者:admin 發布時間:2012-7-9 16:26:58 點擊:2785 |
《汽柴油生產技術》柴油罐是根據*高等職業教育化工技術專業培養目標而編寫的、重在提高相關專業學生利用專業知識分析問題、解決問題能力的教材。《汽柴油生產技術》在內容上較為完整地介紹了汽油、柴油的煉油廠加工過程,其中包括常減壓蒸餾裝置、延遲焦化裝置、催化裂化裝置、催化重整裝置和柴油加氫裝置等煉油生產加工裝置的工藝原理、工藝流程、重要操作參數的影響因素、產品質量影響因素、裝置的開工、停工過程以及典型的事故案例等,并對當前煉油行業企業狀況及相關的技術動態作了簡單的拓展。《汽柴油生產技術》可供高職高專院校石油化工、煉油技術、精細化工、油品分析、石油工程、油氣儲運等專業的教師和學生使用,也可供煉油企業一線操作人員參考學習。(圖/文http://m.lcxyljtrmyy.com/) (中譯英) Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" is based on the new higher occupation education of chemical technology specialty cultivation objectives and prepared, the focus is to improve the relevant professional students with professional knowledge analysis problem, problem-solving ability teaching. " Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" in content more complete introduction of gasoline, diesel oil refinery processes, including atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, delayed coking unit, catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming unit and diesel hydrotreating unit and oil production and processing device process principle, process flow, main operation parameters factors, factors affecting product quality, startup, shutdown device and the typical accident case, and the current situation of oil refining industry and related technical trends made simple expansion. " Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" available for Higher Vocational College of petrochemical, refining technology, fine chemical, oil analysis, petroleum engineering, oil and gas storage and transportation professionals such as teachers and students, but also for the oil refinery operators refer to learning. |
上一頁:汽油罐原料本身的特殊性質 下一頁:瀝青罐的技術指標 |